Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Me as Mom of an awsome teenager!

Yes, that's me, mom of an awesome teenager...16 1/2 to be exact, although he seems to think and act like he is much older....old enough to drive (with a license), old enough to date, old enough to....well anyway, you get the idea. It is hard being a single mom, but I wouldn't trade him for anything! Chad (that's his name) is my baby boy, born on Valentines Day after a very long pregnancy and labor.......healthy, smart (too smart), and good looking (picture to come, when I can get one of his face and not his hand). I am "mom" to 3 other great kids....Cassie, Joseph and Heidi....Chad's half brother and sisters........great kids! Relationships that I am trying to keep in tact (as much as possible) through the divorce (what an awful word)....To say the least, this is not what I had in mind when I married, I married for life. Well, just a glimpse into my life, as it is, for now....Blessings=-D

Friday, August 15, 2008

The not so beginning beginning....

And so it begins...

We all have different seasons in our lives...this one for me just happens to be a season of struggling to find my self again....I know that sounds really ridiculous, but with God's strength it is a journey I will share bits and pieces with you...enjoy!!